Ina matasan Jami'a kada kubari wannan dama ta wuceku!

Ina matasan Jami'a kada kubari wannan dama ta wuceku!
(Batch C Stream 2)
JAMB said only the number used by the candidates to register for the examination will be eligible for sending such codes.
The statement reads in part; “To check the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) result, all a candidate needs to do is to simply send UTMERESULT to 55019 using the same phone number that he/she had used for registration and the result would be returned as a text message. This is the only process of checking the 2022 UTME results for now as the Board has not uploaded it on its website for obvious reasons
Just use your phone ...enter the message and send UTMERESULT to 55019.”
Ina masu kanan sana'u da masu son sufara dogaro dakansu to ga dama tasamu !
Ita wannan hukuma wato Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) hukamce dakeda alhaakin lurada kirkirar kamfanunuwa da masana'antu tareda lura da yadda za'agudanarda al'amuran wadannan masana'antu ta kasarmu Nigeria wato (autonomous body cherged with the responsibility to regulate the formation and management of companies in Nigeria). Sannan ansamar da'itane ashekara ta 1990 karkashin Company and Allied Matters Act no 1(CAMA) wanda tasamu kwaskwarima yanzu tazam karkashin Act cap C20 Law of federation of nigeria.
Duk wanda keson kamfaninsa/masana'antarsa tasamu sahhalewa daga gwamnati to seyayi regista dawannan hukuma. To ayanzu Gwamnati shugaba Muhammadu Buhari ta sawakewa duk maison kirkirar masana'anta ko bunksa ksauwancinsa tayyada inyanemi tallafin gwamnati ze samu kaitsaye musamman Matasa shiyasa tabaiwa mutane dubu dari biyu da hamsin 250,000 dama afadin kasannan suyi wannan rejista kyata!
Gayyadda akeyin Rejistar kamar haka:
Dafarko zanbaka link afarko amma zammaka karin bayani sannan zansanyamaka link din a qarshe again domin ankagama karantawa seka zarce aiki kaitsaye. Zaka danna wannan link Rijistar CAC na FG Kyauta kokuma kadanna nan don sauke form din kaitsaye sauke form kaitseye.
Dazarar kasuake sekacike shi kamar haka
Zakaga nacika misalai waje me dishidishinnan to sai kasanya naka
kanagama cikewa sekayi printing na form din se kayi sigineca (signature) sannan kamanna hotonka agunda aka tanadar ajikin form din.
Abu nagaba sai ayi skanin (scannprinted copy of form) bayan kamanna hoton sannan ayi skanin na aidi ID dakayi amfani dashi wajen cikewa (national Identity Card ne, Vorter's Card ne, Driving License ne ko International Passport ); ahadasu gudaya da form din antsayin fayal (file) guda kuma ayi saving amatsayin PDF file! sannan katurashi ga Email na wakilin jaharka. wannada zamu saki hoton aqasa
Sarkin garin Biu na jihar Borno, Mai martaba Umar Mustapha Aliyu, ya rasu a daren Litinin kamar yadda iyalansa suka tabbatar.
Sarki Umar Mustapha ya rasu yana da shekara 80 bayan fama da rashin lafiya, sai dai babu cikakken bayani kan irin cutar da ta yi ajalinsa.
Wani rahoto da Jaridar Daily Trust ta Najeriya ta wallafa ya ce a yau Talata ake saran yi masa jana'iza a fadar Biu da ke jihar Bornon.
Rahotan ya kuma ce kwamishinan yaÉ—a labarai da na al'adu, Babakura Abba-Jato ya tabbatar da mutuwar, kuma da misalin karfe 2 na rana ya ce za a yi jana'izarsa.
Allah yajiqan sarki yagafartamasa.
Follow our ultimate guide
Blogs are a great way to establish your online
identity and offer a natural platform for your content. However, there are a
few key things you need to consider before making a start. Here we break down
the steps you can’t miss and what you need to cover before clicking publish.
What is a blog and how can you benefit from
Simply put, a blog is
a series of articles and content called posts. The default display for most
blogs is usually a scroll down list, with the most recent posts prioritised. To
make content a bit more user-friendly, it is also common for posts to be tagged
as particular categories or by
specific search terms.
Most importantly, a
blog can be based around any topic, whether you want to create content on your
favourite cafés, your holidays or posts on what shopping you’ve done this
month. The key thing to remember is that you should regularly post on your
blog. Whilst websites are usually more fixed in terms of
content, the main attraction of blogs is that they are up to date and
consistently updated.
Why should you give yourself
a content platform and start blogging? Here are the three main benefits:
If you would like to
start a blog, with the potential to earn money from it, all you need is an
interest or specialist subject to attract an audience to your site. A topic
you’re naturally interested in will help you find the motivation to post
regular, engaging content.
Why is blogging still popular in 2020?
Blogging is
essentially a way to share your interest or passion with a wider audience. In
2020, blogging still provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded people
on shared passions for topics. As blogging has grown, so has the range of
subjects that are covered. You can always write about classic topics like
travel or fashion, but you can also write about comic books or Korean beauty
products if those are more your interests. As long as you are writing about
what you care about, your audience will identify with your passion and stay
engaged with you.
Blogging is also
popular in 2019 due to its use as an affiliate marketing platform. With a ready-made audience who trust their
opinions, bloggers are now able to make an income from their product
recommendations. By simply joining an affiliate network, bloggers have the
chance to link particular items and receive a commission from the product
seller/merchant – all by just having their audience click through on blog-based
The downside to starting your own blog
There are a few things would-be bloggers should pay attention
to so they avoid common blogging pitfalls. Blogging can be a bigger commitment
than it may seem even though you’re writing about something you love. Here are
a few things you need to consider before embarking on your blogging journey:
Although these are
things you need to keep in mind when starting a blog, don’t quit. The potential
rewards of running a successful blog far outweigh these concerns. Now you can
jump into preparing to start your blog with a fully prepared and more informed
Blogging for beginners
If you have considered
both the pros and cons of starting a blog and are still ready to make a start,
then you need to read through our step by step guide to setting your blog up.
How do you set-up a blog?
Setting up your blog
can be broken down into five key steps:
1. Name your blog
Before you go
anywhere, you’ll need to settle on a name for your blog. If you are worried
that your top idea is already taken, most domain hosts will let you know what
sites are already registered. Additionally, they will often give you similar
alternatives that are still free to choose.
Your blog’s name will
be the first thing your audience comes to know you by, so finding
something relevant and recognisable is vital. Perhaps write up a list with some keywords
related to your blog topic, and create a few different variations on catchy
2. Get online
A big factor in how
your blog will be perceived is the hosting service you choose. Yes, you can always
choose a free platform, but if you’re looking to make an income from your blog,
it may be worth investing in something a little more reliable.
Here are some things to
consider when choosing a web host for your blog:
3. Design your blog
Once you have got the
basics of choosing a name and web host out of the way, it’s time to get to the
real nitty gritty of designing your blog. Most blogging platforms actually have a
simplified backend, so don’t worry about things getting too technical.
It’s likely that
you’ll be working with a CMS (Content Management System) to set up
your posts, create formatting, and to edit your content.
Most CMS platforms (like WordPress) are extremely user-friendly, so you won’t
need specialist knowledge just to ensure your blog looks the way you want it to
WordPress is a popular
choice due to its simplicity and the range of plugins or customisations available.
Over 60% of all blogs are run on WordPress, including huge sites like Forbes and
Whichever CMS you
choose, make sure you consider design and layout carefully. You may think your
content is more important but the visual impact of your site also affects site
traffic. A study from Google and the
University of Basel found
that users judge a website on aesthetic beauty and assumed functionality within
1/50th of a second. First impressions count!
4. Start creating your content
Once you have your
name and site designed, you will probably have a good idea of where you want to
begin with your content. However, as with everything, a solid strategy will
help save you time and also make sure your posts follow a cohesive path.
An editorial calendar
is essentially an outline of which posts you’ll cover and on what date. This
will allow you to plan key topics and tangential discussions,
as well as let you productively organise your research. So how do you come up
with the topics for your calendar?
Brainstorming is basic
but effective. Jot down as many ideas or terms related to your blog topic as
you can. Think of some questions you’ve had about the topic, because if you
have wondered about something, it is likely your potential audience has, too. There
are even keyword research tools available like Twinword Ideas to help you add to
your word cloud. After you have come up with some strong ideas, organise them
by setting up a spreadsheet. Here you can list your ideas and rank them by:
It’s also worth
checking out other bloggers in your space and discovering which of their posts
have the most engagement or have been shared. Remember, blogging is about
working within a network so the work of others is often a great, accessible
resource for inspiration.
5. Start promoting and earning money
Your blog has pretty
much taken shape by this point – you have both the design and content prepared.
The last thing to think about is your audience and how they will find you.
Promoting your content
can be time consuming but it is definitely worth it once you start seeing
increased site numbers. Additionally, if you are also aiming to start affiliate marketing, your web traffic needs to be healthy,
otherwise you will not see much in the way of returns on affiliate links.
The general rule is to
spend at least twice as long promoting your content as you did creating it.
Here are a few avenues through which you can promote your blog:
The last point is
probably the most important. Regularly contacting your audience is a great way
to keep them engaged and interested in your ongoing content. Set up a signup
form in your posts, and you will accumulate email addresses quickly and easily.
Once you have these subscribers, you can manage your newsletters with free
services like MailChimp.
Updating your audience
when have new content drives traffic up and ensures your readers won’t miss any
of your work.
Blogging tips to get you started quickly
Your blog is set up,
and you’re ready to click publish on your first post. But wait! Before you go
live, here are three quick tips to help you get started on the right note:
1. Keep your content strong
It’s one thing to
write about what you love but another to write about it effectively. To make
sure your content is as good as it should be, take advantage of resources
online like SEO-writing guides and tools like Yoast. This is a free plugin that
helps you ensure your content is Google-friendly and ready to rank organically
in searches.
2. Keep your content honest
Building a loyal
audience is a key factor to ongoing success with blogs and returning readers
are consistently high drivers of site traffic. Additionally, audience loyalty
is a strength if you decide to branch out into affiliate marketing as they will
trust your recommendations and drive your sales with any affiliate partners you
work with. For that reason, it is important to maintain a level of honesty in
your work.
3. Keep your content focused
Along with an
editorial calendar, dedicate a fixed amount of time per week to your blog. As a
starter blog, it is important to establish yourself with consistent and
high-quality content. Building an audience will be vital to your blog’s ongoing
success, so make sure you’re working with this in mind. By setting some time
aside, you are less likely to rush your posts. You will also be better able to
keep your target audience in mind when producing content.
Although there are a
number of things to consider before diving in head first, starting a blog is a
great way to establish yourself online. By creating your own unique space, you
will connect with an audience and network of people who share your interests or
Additionally, if you
are successful enough in building your audience, you can strive to make an
income from your blog. Concepts such as affiliate marketing are a great way to
monetise your hard work and content creation.
A computer is a very fast device. It can perform in a few seconds the amount of work that a human being can do in an entire year. If he worked day and night and did nothing else. To put it in a different manner, a computer close in one minute what would take a man his entire lifetime, its called computer speed. (Characteristics of Computer)
The accuracy of a computer is consistently high and the degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends upon its design.
Unlike human beings a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration, etc. and hence can work for hours together without creating any error and without grumbling.
Versatility is one of the most wonderful things about the computer. One moment it is preparing the results of particular examination, the next moment it is busy preparing electricity bills and in between. It may be helping on office secretary to change its talent is to slip in seconds.
As a human being acquires new knowledge the brain subconsciously selects what it feels to be important and worth retaining in its memory, and relegates unimportant details to the back of the mind or just forgets them with computer this is not the case. A computer can store and recall any amount of information because of this secondary storage capability.
A computer is not a magical device. It can only perform these tasks that a human being can. The difference is that it performs these tasks with unthinkable speed and accuracy. If possesses no intelligence of its own. Its IQ is zero, at least till today. It has to be told what to do and in what sequence, hence, only the user can determine what tasks a computer will perform.
Computers are devoid of emotions. They have no feelings and no instincts because they are machine.
Although men have succeeded in building a memory for the computer, but no computer processes the equivalent of a human heart and soul. Based on our feelings, taste, knowledge and experience, we often make creation judgments in our day to day life. But computers cannot make such judgments on their own. Their judgments are based on the instructions given to them in the form of programs that are written by us.
Ina matasan Jami'a kada kubari wannan dama ta wuceku! FG ta bude shafin bada agajin karatu (Scholarship) ga dukwani dalibin Jami'...